Post Natal Pilates

Post Natal Pilates
Booking now for
7th March 5 weeks
Post Natal Pilates Classes
Classes will be on Fridays 11-12 at either in person Henlow Pavilion, SG16 6AP
Don't worry if you miss a class as there are online workout added as part of the course throughout the weeks to complete at home also. The classes get progressively more challenging as the course goes on, but the exercises also change every course. You'll never repeat one exactly the same even if you do multiple courses.
There is a large free car park on site, toilets/baby change facilities and a lift to access the upstairs room if needed.
Children are very welcome to join us up to any age - there is no cut off to this and you can be any stage postpartum - up to many years later.
Please bring a mat with you if you wish to have your own (I do have spare) and wear something comfortable to move in (no specific workout wear or footwear is needed) - all other equipment is provided.
Dates for the next course are 7th March running for 5 weeks.
As part of the course you will also get a copy of my Core Rehab workshop.
The workshop discusses pelvic floor / diastasis recti / c section rehab - where to begin with breathing technique for core function and is a great place to begin your core strengthening journey however far along the line you may be.